Kitchel Lindquist Hartger Dunes Preserve​
Connie Lindquist Trail (.47 mi) - This trail starts in an Open Dune community and meanders through some Interdunal Wetlands before entering a backdune forest. A new portion of the trail, completed by Alex Jouney (a previous intern), cuts through a Transitional Hardwood forest along the Northeastern base of Kitchel Dune. You can expect to find Eastern Cottonwood, Willow, and Hairy Puccoon on the Western portion of the trail, with Red Oak, Sassafras, Eastern Hemlock, and Pines dominating the Eastern side of the trail. Deer and Grey Squirrels are very common in this area.
Harold Hartger Trail (.56 mi) - Starting at the parking lot near the outdoor classroom, this trail follows Berwyck Street westward for a short distance before turning North and plunging you into an open dune ecosystem. Rolling dunes and interdunal wetlands dominate this landscape. Keep an eye out for Eastern Kingbirds, Pitchers Thistle, and Hairy Puccoon in the dunes. By the wetlands, look for Mallards and Killdeer. The trail climbs up the dune ridge and back down before entering a pine forest near the Lindquist trail. Remember to remain on the trail as the dunes are sensitive to erosion from foot traffic.
Marjorie Hendricks Trail (.48 mi) - The trailhead near the East parking lot gives way to a Great Lakes Barrens ecosystem. There are two entrances to this trail, and staying to the right will take you directly to the Grand River where a small beach resides. Enjoy the views of the Grand Haven riverfront. Be careful to stay on the trail here, as straying to close to the river could increase erosion along the waters edge. The trail continues on through an open dune system, with a brief stop at another river overlook, before winding back into the barrens. Watch for American Redstarts, Gray Catbirds, and Yellow Warblers.
Meime vandenBerg Trail (.71 mi) - This is our newest trail, and it was completed by local eagle scout candidates Josh Brummel and Nathan Peterson in 2016 and 2017. Near the entrance to the trail, the path splits off - to the right you head towards rolling dunes and to the left you will walk through the Great Lakes barrens. Along the open dunes, be sure to remain on the trail as foot traffic will increase erosion. The northern loop leads you around a number of interdunal wetlands surrounded by Great Lakes barrens, giving great opportunities to see our water loving plants and animals. Keep your eyes out for Green Herons, Red-winged Blackbirds, and more.

Trail Map
Trail Guide